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One Day Trek to Horagina Betta

Horagina Betta is the hill next to Nandi Hill. It is almost the same height as that of Nandi Hill. Through mobile app we found out that it is almost 1438 meters above sea level. Our starting point was 980 meters above sea level. Some of us were scared as soon as we saw the hill height after descending from the bus. We thought it is too high to climb. Even when we finished the trek some of us were not able to believe that we managed to trek this hill.

We started by bus from Majestic at around 7 AM, from Terminal 3 towards Chikkaballapur. We got down at Devenahalli village and took another bus from there towards Karahalli Cross (Nandi Hills). We took our breakfast near Devenahalli bus stand. We packed our lunch from a restaurant near to Karahalli Cross (Nandi Hills). We got only tomato rice at that restaurant to pack for lunch. Food tasted awesome after a tiring trek:-)

It was a very sunny day and in my last trek I had got severe sun burn so I was prepared this time and applied lots of sun screen lotion on my face before we started our climb. 
After packing lunch we started climbing the hill at around 9:30 AM. Entire trek was a combination of rough road and hilly terrain. We kept walking and after around 1 hour we realized that we have come to the wrong route. We did not panic and our organizer was quick to find the correct route. It was not a wrong route and rather an alternative to usual route. This route was simpler in the beginning to the other usual route. After climbing the hill for another half an hour we were able to see the peak which we want to climb. I questioned again that can we really climb that hill. It still looks very high even from here? Organizer told that it is doable. For another 15 minutes it was a rough road and then hill climb. En route scenery was awesome especially the yellow color flowered Tabebuia trees. When we started climbing the hill it was a natural trek and no sign of man made path. 

We stopped at many places to recharge our selves. It was a very sunny day and dehydrating, I finished almost 2 liters of water bottle even before I reach the top of the peak. That was the only water reserve I had. I needed more water during stay at peak and while descending also. There was no external source of water or food during entire trek. I managed with other trek mates supply and also with the water melons we carried along. 
I really appreciate the smartness of fellow trekker. They carried 3 water melons with them which we 26 people shared among each other. I never found water melon so tasty, those 1.5 slices of I got tasted heavenly after a dehydrating trek. I had one water melon lying at my dinner table at home since last couple of days and I realized that how necessity changes the value of something. Another good thing which one fellow trekker did is to keep a 2 liter of frozen water bottle with him. Most of the water which we carried turned hot water and now his frozen water bottle turned to chilled water by noon. It was a heavenly relief to get chilled water at top of the hill. It is from bottom of my heart that God bless them. 

Some of us also carried chips, snacks, apples and oranges. We all shared the items. I felt guilty of being dumb and not carrying anything for anyone:-( I was being shameless, who did not contribute anything but was eating with full ownership;-) If I remember, may be next time, I will carry frozen water and some snacks.

We reached at top at around 12:20 PM. There was a small temple at the top of the hill. I was in the first group to reach at the top and we waited for 2nd group to join us. Unlike other two earlier treks we found a very small shadow place to sit and relax at top. It was very sunny and there were no two trees close by below which entire group can relax. I took a small nap of 5 minutes as I was feeling warmth of sun as sun changed its position. After that some of us went closer to the hill edge and took few snaps. 
By 1:15 PM, we started our lunch. We were so tired that tomato rice tasted very good. I finished it till the last bite. I was feeling very sleepy. Although others were enjoying the photo session, I wanted to find a place in shadow and sleep for some time:-)

We started descending by around 2:15 PM and reached at the bottom of the hill by 4:15 PM. We took the steep slope route rather than the previous route. We stayed at many places and finished our last water melon en route. 

Once we reached bottom of the hill we found one water tap and it felt like blessings for us. We washed our faces and drank water. After this all of us visited the same restaurant and had cold drinks or tea/coffee. A bus towards Bangalore arrives just in front of the restaurant at 4:45 PM and leaves by 5 PM. We all sat in this bus and finished our feedback session.

Some of us got descended from the bus in between while most of us stayed till Majestic. I had my 2 wheeler parked at Majestic 2 wheeler parking. I recollected my 2 wheeler and reached home by 7 PM.

Most amazing part is that the entire cost of the trip including two way transport, break fast, lunch and snacks was only 210 INR per person.


It is always a pleasure when you find a break to tune into your heart deeper & deeper into mother nature.….to feel your bare feet on a fresh soil… your hair to play with the wind….greenly spirits of trees….blue dreams of sky …. Aromatic blossoms that one would vouch his sight for…. Happens to feel the same with a gang of friends from BTC at HORAGINA BETTA…..

A team of 23 ppl.., HIREN,ANKIT,ASHISH,CHETAN ,RAMYA,RAJA,SAVITHRI,SUMITHRA, AMIN,GETTHA,RAGHUNATH,SAGAR,DEEPA,VAIBHAV,PREMAL,ARVIND,AMEL,MONISHA,SHARATH,DEEPTHY (ORGANISER) ,RAJA (ORGANISER) ,ADITYA, VASIHNAVI… started around 7 am from Majestic bus stand towards Nandi hills… The team travelled in a local bus & stopped in the middle to get refreshed with the aromatic, indulging healthy breakfast… and got into a tempo traveler with lunch parcels to reach the hill base…
We initially had an intro session to know your buddy next to you as better as possible… we all started by around 9:30 Am to climb Horiganabetta…. The hill base was so serene with spread of flowers.. ..Thick bushes on sides palm trees to be pleasing from a distant view… noticing all of these, we followed the trail that leads us to the hill top… Initially we happen to end up with a slight mistake in the trail but it was the fun in exploration & a down to earth simplicity that Raja & Deepthy (Organizer) had made everyone in the team to move forward cheerfully without any complaints… Every altitude that we achieved challenged us for a picture as it was very serene… Sumithra & Chetan were creating warmth around everyone as the captures they got for us speak the memories loud & proud…

Ramya, Premal, Ankit , Geetha, Sagar, Sharath, Amin & Myself happily took breaks as & when required & used the opportunity in gazing at the nature… the trail started to develop into a rocky terrain in the middle & again turned into a trail… We all finally reached the top by 12:30 pm as we crossed a temple on the top & settled down under the shades of trees… Vaishnavi – a cute little gal with mind-blowing determination became a show stopper in our trek… Clicking a picture at every possible pose has become a big challenge for everyone with naughty little Vaishnavi,  Then we all had our lunch, snacks & ensured a tummy full feast on the top & decided to descend by 2:30 pm…
The one who successfully finishes descending the hill will be offered a chocolate by the favorite Santa Claus in our team (Ankit)… The offer was accepted & we all descended slowly steadily… The scorching sun tested our thirst & the water we carried almost got finished…. A delightful scene is to cut a watermelon & share it among all of us was an unforgettable treat… after quenching our thirst with a juicy, sweet watermelon pieces.., we all descended safely down the hill by 4:30 Pm… The happiness of achievement was glowing on everyone’s face & the chocolates distribution added further glows… Happily the team reached back Bangalore City by bus … and the feedbacks & memories shared among each one of us stays strong & sweet forever…. Thanks to everyone….!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers…………J

Written By     : Vaibhav Rastogi & Savithri N
Organized By : Raja & Dr. Deepthy
Date of event: 2nd Oct 2014
Place             : Chikballapur
Pictures         : BTC FB Page

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